More About Me

I’m Hoda, a mathematics and statistics scientist, as well as a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I’m married to my best friend and a mother of two, living in beautiful Seattle.

My journey to health is a complicated one. I struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. My mother says I was clinically diagnosed as overweight when I was only two. Since then, I went off and on so many diets. You name it, I tried it: fasting, keto, PH balance, Zone, shakes…. nothing worked! I felt like a failure, no matter how successful I was at other things in my life such as school, swimming, and painting. I never gave up looking for a weight loss miracle; a magic pill or diet that would solve all my problems.

On a rainy day in Seattle in 2017, I was looking in the mirror and hating my body while listening to a podcast when I had a glorious aha moment. I realized I didn’t need a magic pill or a miracle method, I needed science. As a scientist, I felt sad that I had looked everywhere else for answers: the Dr. Oz show, magazines, fad diets and so forth but never at the actual science of weight loss and weight control. I started reading everything I could get my hands on- nutrition textbooks and papers, learning about resistance and strength training and BAM! I had my answer. Slow and steady was the way, not some miracle or some gimmick, just science and the evidence it provides. I never reached my dream weight, but I did learn that that number that I had spent many years of my life longing for was not healthy for me after all. Instead, I reached a weight that was just right for my body and in doing so, I felt free. I fell in love with my body even though it didn’t (and still doesn’t) look like that of a model’s, with a noticeable thigh gap (that was something I spent years thinking I ought to have). Now my body can do things that bring me joy, like hike Mt. Rainier. I no longer must worry if my body is capable of this hike or that bike ride because I know I can do it.

I pursued the National Academy of Sports Medicine personal training and nutrition coaching certificates in 2021. I’m here to help you- to help you love who you are, and help you achieve becoming healthier and stronger. It is important to build the best body that you can so that you can tackle whatever life throws your way, be it pregnancy, illness, accidents, osteoporosis, you name it. Through fitness and nutrition, you can take the best care possible of your body. Having a healthy heart, lungs, strong muscles, and bones are the building blocks for happy and fulfilling life, and I am here to help you get there.


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